Boolera Property Pty Ltd t/a Dragon Phoenix Resort


Our Pools

Enjoy our wonderful Swimming Pool and Artesian Pool!


Dragon Phoenix Facilities 1     Swimming Pool   Artesian Pool Moree


Our Pools

The property boasts two on-site outdoor naturally hot Artesian Thermal Baths and two cold pools. Six newly built indoor artesian spa pools and sauna room. The bore was sunk in 2000 to a depth of 865 metres to tap into the Great Artesian Basin.

The Great Artesian Basin is one of the largest underground water reservoirs in the world. It underlies approximately 22 per cent of Australia and extends beneath the arid and semi arid parts of New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia and the Northern Territory. It stretches from the Great Dividing Range to the Lake Eyre Depression. Covers a total area of over 1.7 million square kms.  Water temperature varies from 30 Degree Celsius in the shallower areas to over 100 degree Celsius in the deeper areas.

The artesian water is a combination of sulphur, calcium, magnesium and potassium. The hot mineral waters are described to rejuvenate the body by relieving tight muscles, speed up post-operative rehabilitation, fight bronchial problems, lower blood pressure and sooth arthritis. 

However many avid followers also repeatedly return because of its unique back to nature qualities.



pdf Environmental Monitoring Summary up to 9 Aug 2018

pdf The Pollution Incident Response Management Plan 2020